Naked before the crowd

As they continued their mockery of the Saviour, the soldiers took His robe off, divided it among themselves and cast lots for who would get His tunic… Then on him they threw a purple robe and shouted to the crowd, “Behold thy King”. Through all this shame of public nakedness and embarrassment, Jesus did not once cry nor seek their worldly compassion nor seek for privacy. For what do sinners know about compassion in anyway.

Our sinless Savior had to become sin for us so that we might be saved. He had to be treated in the very same shameful manner that a sinner would be treated by his master. Satan is not our friend brethren. We may think that playing in his corridor is safe for us and touching his little fires does not actually burn. But we need to understand that while God covers sin, Satan actually intends to expose us so that he may present our nakedness before the whole world to see. Do we really have to continue to deride God’s call for us to cease and come… or are we waiting till God should leave us to our own devises so that we bare the nakedness on our own; when Christ already bore the shame for us?

Thereafter when they were nailing our dear Saviour, did they not just strip him naked again just before hanging Him up the tree for all to see… a naked King with a crown of thorns. What a terrible sight that we as sinners never have to forget. A sinless Saviour was exposed so that you and me would not be exposed. So why, oh why will we continue in our sinful ways when Christ has already been exposed for us.

While Satan is waiting for that grand opportunity to strip you and me off, do you know that God is ready to actually cover you and me? He wants to wash away our sins… so that when Satan comes to claim us, He (Jesus) will rebuke him and say as He said of the Priest Joshua, “God rebuke you Satan, is this not a brand plucked out of the fire”.

We all have these fiery situations that Satan has placed in our lives so that he can fasten us in sin; and our only help for relief is in God alone. There is nothing that we can do but cry out day and night, “LORD save me!” Jesus has a robe for all of us if we are willing, He wants to clothe us with His robe of righteousness. But before that, today the 2nd of November, we must renounce that sin that so easily besets us from running the race before us. Self must die.


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