Sleeping in Gethsemane

Jesus had to pray for the trying hour ahead of Him in Gethsemane. He took His closest friends and disciples with Him so they too could pray for Him in United prayer… but they abandoned Him at the time He had a very deep need that would affect His Purpose… instead, they fell asleep at the most important time of earth’s history. They wld not plead with the Saviour for they did not understand the deepest issues pertaining to theirs and our salvation that was dependent on Christ… if they understood, they would have gotten up and done their part. 3 times He woke them up, but still, they went to sleep. Their spirits were willing, but the flesh was so weak…

This is the problem we have today. We want to do good, but always, our flesh takes over and we find ourselves fallen again. No wonder Jesus told them to stay indoors after His departure and pray for the promised aid- the Holy Spirit… they never went out to touch God’s Holy work until the Holy Spirit had come upon them to quicken them to right doing, to zeal and to have results as they took over the work that Christ had left in their hands.

In that time of crisis, they prayed unitedly for 10days in the upper room… and the more they prayed together, they more the love of God caused them to love each other, understand each other and bear long with one another… then they put all their differences aside and were in one accord. The work they were handling was not a joke… it was that for which God Himself suffered and died. It is Holy work, to be done with understanding not just as a duty or for our very own selves or popularity or money making. This is a work of saving lost souls. A work that can release people bound by demons, drug addicts, prostitutes, bound by sicknesses, bring hope and meaning to lost people.

This work is Holy Ground. Remove all dirty hands… stay in prayer in the upper room and do not touch until the Holy Spirit has been poured in you and me. God wants us to work successfully and He has made all provision for success through the Holy Spirit. He wants His work to be attended to by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Peter at Pentecost, did not preach even a 10 minute sermon, but already because the Holy Spirit was working through them, 3000 gave themselves to Jesus. The reports after the outpouring are for example, 5000 being baptized, the church doubling, the church grew… all because of prayer, consecration, total dependence on the Holy Spirit; having this mind, like Christ, that we are nothing – all our little thrones and accolades and experiences are but rubbish; without the presence of the HS we will always have unsuccessful efforts or just but meager and poorly successes.

We need to wake up from sleep at this very critical time of earth’s history and pray for Christ, that His name may be glorified in our lives, in our working in our God’s given purpose. He is still in the closing work of intercession in the Most Holy Place and the church is in the outer court fast asleep on the Day of Atonement. Pray pray pray. Bringing all our sins to Him and being strengthened on a daily and every second basis by the infilling of the HS so He can live His life in and through us.

Today is October 29, 2024, a brand new day, but nothing new under the sun. Self must die today and God’s name be vindicated. Father, may You please deliver the outpouring blessing of the Holy Spirit as You promised.



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