Doubting Jesus’ Love (An extract from the book, ‘Loving Through the Eyes of Jesus’ by Netsai G. Gava)
As we navigate the complexities of relationships, doubts and fears can creep in, causing us to question the love and commitment of our partners. In this chapter, we’ll explore how fear, impatience, and wanting control can impact our relationships with men, and how we can overcome these doubts by trusting in God’s love and promises. Through examples and Bible verses, we’ll discover how to cultivate a deeper sense of trust, patience, and surrender in our relationships, just as we do in our walk with God.
Just as fear can creep in and make us doubt God’s love and promises, women may doubt their men’s love and commitment due to fear of being hurt or abandoned. This fear can stem from past experiences, insecurities, or a lack of communication. When fear takes hold, it can lead to a cycle of doubt and mistrust, causing women to question their men’s intentions and motivations. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and insecurity, making it difficult to fully trust and surrender to the relationship. However, just as God’s perfect love casts out fear, a woman’s trust and faith in her man can help to overcome fear and strengthen their bond.
- Fear of being hurt again after a past relationship ended badly
- Fear of not being good enough or meeting expectations
- Fear of losing independence or autonomy in the relationship
- Fear of being vulnerable and open with emotions
Bible Verse: “Perfect love casts out fear” – 1 John 4:18
Similarly, impatience can make us anxious for God to deliver on His promises, and women may become impatient with their men’s progress or lack thereof, leading to doubt and frustration. This impatience can stem from unrealistic expectations or a lack of understanding of the man’s journey. When impatience takes hold, it can lead to feelings of disappointment and disillusionment, causing women to question their men’s abilities and dedication. However, just as God’s timing is perfect, a woman’s patience
and understanding can help to foster growth and development in her man, leading to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.
- Expecting immediate results or progress in the relationship
- Wanting to speed up the process of getting to know each other
- Feeling frustrated with differences or disagreements
- Desiring instant gratification in emotional intimacy
Bible Verse: “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” – Psalm 27:14
Wanting Control:
Just as we may struggle with surrendering control to God’s plans, women may want control over their relationships and feel uncertain when they surrender to their men’s leadership. This desire for control can stem from a need for security, a sense of self-preservation, or past experiences. When women try to control the relationship, it can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration, causing them to doubt their men’s capabilities. However, just as God’s sovereignty is trustworthy, a woman’s trust and surrender to her man’s leadership can lead to a deeper sense of security and peace, allowing the relationship to flourish.
- Needing to know every detail of the man’s life and plans
- Trying to dictate how the man should handle situations or decisions
- Feeling anxious when things don’t go as planned
- Struggling to let go of control and trust in the man’s leadership
Bible Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding” – Proverbs 3:5
In conclusion, just as we may struggle with doubts and fears in our relationship with God, we may also face similar challenges in our relationships with men. However, by recognizing the role of fear, impatience, and wanting control, we can learn to trust and surrender to our men’s leadership, just as we do to God’s sovereignty. May we be encouraged to cultivate a deeper sense of faith and trust in both our relationships with God and our men, knowing that perfect love casts out fear and that God’s timing is perfect. As we let go of control and trust in God’s plans, may our relationships flourish and reflect the love and grace of our heavenly Father.
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