As Jesus started the grand walk to His “It is done” moment, where He’d be declared obedient till death, Satan was determined to bring his worst ever attacks so mercilessly upon the sinless Savior. His intense schemes kept coming, one after the other in quick succession, to make sure Jesus would not even take a breath and eventually loose the battle to a cry for “mercy”. From being falsely accused, the scourging came, the mockery, the crown of thorns, the spitting, the insults.
But through it all, Jesus did not once ask for mercy, not from the soldiers who persecuted him nor from the crowd which was shouting and howling at Him. He carried his cross and bore the shame, as He was strengthened by prayer.
He did not even ask for a lighter sentence nor did He defend Himself why He should not die an embarrassing, shameful death like this death of the cross. He did not even ask to be executed in private to preserve His dignity… Instead, He bore this shame, even though He was not a sinner.
Now, when we go through trials and hardships, how do we not count it all joy and learn to suffer in silence? How often we rush in terror of what is about to befall us and cry “mercy”!!! Shall we not bear our cross? And is the Savior who bore our very own penalty not able to exchange our troubles for His peace and joy that passes all understanding? Did He not say, “Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest…”. He will exchange His easy and light yoke with us and take our burden. “Come to Me” He says… never did He say go to the crowd… nor to the ruler, nor the neighbor… nor to your status.
Oh yes, often times we need an earthly friend to hold our hand through it all… But before we have prayed, what spiritual battle can an earthly friend fight for you and me before the Savior takes the wheel?
The cruelty Jesus suffered would not make Him turn away from dying for you and me; neither could the sad and discouraged and fearful faces of his own beloved mother or followers stop Him… He was a man on a purpose and no weapon of Satan could stop Him in these last moments to live a victorious life over sin.
How is your purpose and Godly lifestyle being thwarted by Satan and the agents he’s using today? Do you wish you had a magic wand to get yourself out of this gruesome experience of Satan’s cruelty over your life? Remember this; daily take up your cross of self denial and follow Christ. The battle was never yours or mine.
The devil is not after your house, or your marriage or your wealth.. he doesn’t need all these things to survive. He’s after your faith; he’s after the Jesus who lives in you… for he constantly wants to take Him on that merciless and shameful road “Via Dolorosa”. It’s nothing personal, let him fight the Christ in you; and allow God to give you peace and joy in the midst of the trial.
Today’s the 31st of October 2024; have you asked to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit? Because the trials ain’t going anywhere no matter where we go to cry out for mercy… one after the other, they will be presented to us. Until we learn to exchange it for Christ’s joy and peace (so it’s bearable), self preservation shall be destroying us.
Let go of self, your fears, your arm of men, stop looking to Egypt for help…noone is coming to your rescue. Then let God be God!
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